Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Canada is a disgrace!

This email was sent to me by PETA

All I can say is

'Evil exists when good people like yourselves do NOTHING'!

Canada needs to be punished for this outrage to innocent creatures!

Despite international outrage, the Canadian seal slaughter has officially started. As you read this e-mail, it's likely that baby seals are being massacred, skinned, and dragged across the ice by the thousands. With the seal kill quota rising to 388,200 this year (an increase of 50,000 from last year), these sensitive, inquisitive animals need your help more than ever before.

Since you've already shown your commitment to seals by participating in one of our online action alerts, we wanted to tell you about another way to help seals now. One of our most powerful tools for spreading the message about the horrors of the seal slaughter and fur trade is video footage of baby seals being beaten and skinned for their fur. Watching the graphic, bloody reality of what happens to seals can be difficult, but sharing the video footage is the most effective way to show others what is really happening in Canada.

Please take a few moments to share this important video with your friends and family by posting an update to your Facebook or Twitter accounts, or just e-mail the video link to your contacts. By doing this, you will be passing on a vital message and doing your part to encourage others to get involved in the anti-slaughter movement.

To stay up to date on our campaign against the seal slaughter, visit Together, we can end the slaughter. A kinder world for animals starts with you.


Tracy Reiman Signature

Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President

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