Sunday, March 28, 2010

Out of the Ashes comes THE NEW PHOENIX

From now on this blog will concentrate only on animal activist matters and environmental issues here in Australia and global.

I hope to build a worldwide animal activist network that can work as one to stamp out cruelty to innocent creatures from any part of the globe.

The Phoenix is full of shit you say. Watch the space!

As I add new groups, I will link them , so if you need support in your area of the planet eventually you will be able to find resources on this site to help.

Please note the new Link to ARAN Ireland's largest animal activist organization. One of its causes is banning live animal circuses.

Perry Bros circus in Victoria is one such circus that should be banned. story on an a 55 year old elephant named Saigon who needs your help now!

If you have an animal activist group any where in the world and you want to network please contact me.

Animals don't have nationalities. If some in bred Canadian is bashing the brains out of a defenceless baby seal in Northern Canada we all can fight to save it.

If someone is skinning live cats & dogs in China for cheap fur to Europe we all have a responsibility to fight for their cause.

If The Australian government allows the cruel and inhumane live animal export of sheep and cattle to the middle East, then the whole world should be outraged!

The Australian government and all concerned should be held accountable for this suffering Where ever you are in the world Please contact the Australian government and condemn this kind of treatment to cattle and sheep.

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