Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chinese coal carrier leaking oil onto Barrier Reef

A Chinese coal carrier The Shen Neng One, has run aground 120 kilometres east of Rockhampton in an area called The Douglas shoal.

A fuel tank with 150 tonnes of oil has ruptured.

The carrier is 89 Kilometres SW of The Great Barrier Reef National Park. ( See image).

The Great Barrier Reef is under massive stress due to human & natural disasters. This is the second carrier to run aground and leak oil on the Queensland coast in 12 Months.

The ship had left The port of Gladstone loaded with coal on its way to china.

To hit The Douglas Shoal, the Chinese captain & crew must be incompetent. as is clear on The Google Map.

Authorities are expecting a major damage to the marine environment.

The Chinese captain and crew should be arrested and charged over this incident. They should be tried in a secret court where Chinese consular officials are not allowed to attend. See how you like it China!

( Sources ABC News Australia & Google maps).

1 comment:

  1. This is my coast and I don't appreciate some moron Chinese captain destroying my marine environment through incompetence, There were no storms!
    To the Chinese person who leaves comments on this site on every article to do with China. At least have the guts to leave your comment in ENGLISH!
