Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Animal Testing Time to Stop!

If you go through the list on the video  below, you will see a lot of products that you can find on your local supermarket shelves. The companies that make these products carry out painful and often lethal experiments on innocent animals.
These creatures can't defend themselves. Unlike factory farming another cruel practice, animal experimentation by popular brand companies  often goes unpublicized.
Enjoying your MARS BAR? Surely, the sacred  MARS BAR & M&M's are cruelty free. WRONG!
There are many  more effective ways to test products without using animals.

This site covers animal research issues Humane Research Australia

This site choosecrueltyfree lists cruelty free products in Australia

But you are on the' Front Line'. What you say goes.

 By boycotting companies and giving them feedback that  animal testing is very cruel,

 your actions could change the outlook for so many beautiful creatures.

These creatures need your help . If you don't help.  Who will?

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