Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chewing the fat

You do not need to eat meat to stay healthy. Read this great article from The Huffington post It shows at least in the USA both male and females are eating too much  animal protein. At the same time if you eat supermarket meat (Factory farmed meat) you are also eating secondhand antibiotics, insecticides, hormones etc.
Factory farm poultry like the ones you eat from your local fast food joint are pumped full of female hormones & hormones that create massive weight gain. Unfortunate for the poor bird that literally grows until its legs can longer support its weight. So why do we have an obese problem worldwide. I don't think you need to be genius to work that out. Its called  Kharma!
Every time you buy Factory farmed meat products you are personally paying for the suffering of the animal you eat. Every time you buy caged eggs you are paying some corporation to torture the chicken that is providing you with eggs.
 Maybe it is time for a change in your eating habits. You could then live longer and sleep at nights. If you do eat meat then make Monday a meatless day. He is some great  meat free recipes http://whyveg.com/save_the_planet/

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