Thursday, May 27, 2010

The city of Fremantle unanimously votes to stop live animal exports

Historic Fremantle vote calls for an end to live export

PRESS RELEASE, 27-05-2010

The live export trade was dealt a blow last night when the City of Fremantle voted unanimously to call for an end to live animal exports. Fremantle port is the major departure port for millions of exported Australian animals each year.

Brad Pettitt, Mayor of Fremantle said, "The time has come for this cruel and unnecessary live sheep trade to be phased out and replaced with a trade that supports local jobs".

Animals Australia has applauded the City of Fremantle for its willingness to take a leadership role in opposing this cruel and unnecessary trade. The City of Fremantle committed last night to working with other spheres of government, industry and the community to implement an end to live exports.

"We are greatly encouraged that our efforts to expose the cruelty inherent to the live trade have resulted in some influential partners echoing our call for this trade to be banned," said Animals Australia Communications Director Lyn White.

Joining the City of Fremantle in taking a stand against live exports is Federal Labor MP for Fremantle Melissa Parke and local State Greens MP Lynn McLaren.

"As has been proven by the City of Fremantle decision, any independent examination of the live trade reveals that it can never be ethically justified. Sheep continue to die in their tens of thousands each year enroute to the Middle East, and as Animals Australia's investigations have revealed, those who survive the journey will face cruel handling and brutal deaths."

"It is time for the major political parties to review their policies supporting live export, rather than being willing pawns to a trade that brings immense shame onto all Australians," said Ms White.

Press release from Animals Australia Insiders

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