Saturday, May 22, 2010


IT time for a PEACEFUL revolution. It is time to take back this planet from the greedy who would destroy this beautiful place for their own monetary gains and make  grabs for power leaving nothing for future generations. Those that use religion as a weapon instead of a comfort for the masses.

  Over 3 billion people earn less than $5 a day! Nearly half the worlds population!

There is an  urgency. There is a need for courage from all the walks of human existence. there is a need to break down barriers whether  it be a wall or an outdated belief. There is a need for every human to fight this corrupt and rotten system, not with bombs and bullets but with the only true weapon against the darkness that exists . That is LIGHT! LOVE, TRUTH & AWARENESS  and most of all the COURAGE to CHANGE.

We are all ONE organism. Bring down the walls of mistrust & separatism. And heal our Planet.

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