Sunday, May 23, 2010

IDF fire tear gas into Palestinian womans house

Today, the villagers of Nabi Salah suffered another severe visitation of Israeli Occupation Forces violence where one protestor, Kamal al-Rimawi, was hit in the face with a tear gas projectile breaking one of his facial bones and some teeth necessitating his hospitalization in Rafidia Hospital, Nablus, where he is presently recovering. Village houses were commandeered and tear gas projectiles were fired through the windows into three causing fire damage to the curtains, scorch marks to the walls and in the one house which I filmed - the home of Abu Shawki - the glass in a display case shattered, the other houses were the homes of Abu Husam and Abu Taher. The Friday protests are ongoing and Nabi Saleh's coordinators are appealing to Israelis and internationals of live conscience for maximum solidarity and to attend this Friday's demonstration (after prayers) where their presence may attenuate the wanton violence of the IOF and the settlers from the nearby illegal colony of Halamish which they "defend".
  video & article by planxtysumoud  

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