Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dear ARAN Supporters,

When I was a little boy, I dreamed about growing up to be fireman, or maybe a veterinarian. I did not dream about anally electrocuting animals on fur farms, but apparently Brooke Shieldsdid. The aging actor recently paid a visit (or should that be "was paid for a visit"?) to Kopenhagen Fur's workshop to create her very own mink coat, and she said it was "a little girl's dream." We understand that when some actors' careers begin to fade, they'll do just about anything to stay in the limelight, including appearing in eyelash-growth commercials and starring in short-lived TV shows. But Brooke, did you really want the world to remember you as a "fur pimp" who stares agog at rows of animal skins?

Brooke says that she will wear her fur coat "when I follow my children to school, when I drink coffee, and when I sleep." Hmm, I think if you need fur to keep you warm at night, you've got problems. Please join us at ARAN and contact Brooke Shields and remind her about the suffering and cruelty associated with the killing of animals for their skins. Ask her to join countless other celebrities who now forego the use of fur.

Please click visit and be sure to let her know how strongly you feel about cruelty to animals in the fur trade.Contact Bitch shields through this email address

Thank you for all that you do to help animals in need,

John Carmody

Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)

P.S. In order to track the volume of correspondence sent to Ms Brooke, send ARAN a quick email to let us know your thoughts and to let us know If you’ve sent that important email, it takes just a couple of minutes and those poor animals do need you.
 Update please wait until I get a more direct email address for Brooke Sheilds= Murdering bitch

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