Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Urge Dairies to come clean on milk

Avid dairy drinkers may find it difficult to imagine that the benign milk carton is harbouring a dark secret. But the truth is, cows don't spontaneously produce milk.

Like all mammals, cows only lactate after giving birth. And to sustain high milk flow, Australian dairy cows are impregnated -- and consequently, give birth -- every year of their productive lives. The job of many newborn dairy calves however is finished on the day they are born. No longer 'needed' by the dairy industry, these vulnerable baby animals are separated from their grieving mothers so that the milk nature intended for them can be harvested for humans.

What happens to these babies? Some females will face the same fate as their mothers, but most calves will simply be killed. Every year the dairy industry sends around 1 million unwanted dairy calves to be killed at around 5 days of age.

Shoppers have the right to know all the facts before making buying decisions -- yet few would be aware of the million week-old calves who are slaughtered as 'waste products' of the dairy industry. Please help make two of Australia's largest dairy brands accountable to caring consumers by urging them to disclose the truth about dairy calves on their websites.
Take Action! the above article is form Animals Australia

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