Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why we are all responsible for the clean up

Excerpt from EarthEcho blogg

I have talked about it at length: We only have to look in the mirror to find someone to blame for this oil catastrophe because it is a symptom of a wider problem. However, in the same way we make the choices that cause us to be addicted to oil—a substance that poisons our air, our water and our future—we also have the equal power to change the world in which we live. To eat less meat, use public transportation, aspire to healthy and functional houses, vote in politicians that care about our world, and more…

As Gandhi one wrote, “we must become the change we seek in the world.” There is always hope, we have the power to build the sustainable and just world our children deserve and if the spill reminds us of anything…it is that…  More

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