Friday, July 16, 2010

Friends of he Earth

July 15, 2010
6:16 PM
CONTACT: Friends of the Earth
Nick Berning,, 202-222-0748
Kim Huynh,, 202-222-0723

Cap on Oil Well Doesn’t End Story

Problems that led to Gulf tragedy—fossil fuel dependence and influence of polluters in Washington—remain

WASHINGTON - July 15 - Friends of the Earth's president, Erich Pica, had the following response to reports that the well that has been gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico since April 20 has been capped:
"It is great news that the disastrous flow of oil into the Gulf has been capped. We hope that the cap holds and that BP is able to permanently seal this well.
"But this story is far from over. Corporate polluters must not be allowed to spin this tragedy as an isolated incident or pretend the problem has been solved. Oil continues to spread, and a massive recovery effort is still required. Just as important, if not more so, is that our nation's leaders have yet to address the root causes of the spill. Our dependence on fossil fuels and the undue influence of corporate polluters in Washington must be stopped.
"It's time to connect the dots. The Gulf oil tragedy, the April 5 coal disaster in West Virginia that killed 29 workers, the extraction of tar sands oil in Canada that's causing cancer to fuel U.S. cars, and an escalating climate crisis are all symptoms of the same problem. Fossil fuels are inherently deadly, and it is time for our country to put in place a comprehensive plan to end our use of them."
Friends of the Earth is the U.S. voice of the world's largest grassroots environmental network, with member groups in 77 countries. Since 1969, Friends of the Earth has fought to create a more healthy, just world.

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