Sunday, July 25, 2010

Turning a blind eye to your addiction

How would you describe this animal's state of mind?

a. Really happy & content
b. A little unhappy
c. Lost all hope of human compassion HOPELESS

Well if you picked c. You are correct

Is this how you thank a creature that give its life to give you your breakfast?

This is a pig in a factory farm. If you like a good deal and you purchase your pork products from any supermarket in Australia unless otherwise stated on the packaging. Then you are directly causing these beautiful creatures  to suffer pain from birth till death.

Pigs have a higher intelligence that dogs. Pigs love affection just like your cat or dog does and they suffer pain when treated with cruelty just like your pet!

So how come you can go to the supermarket buy your bacon then go home & give your pet love?

what kind of people do terrible things yet in other ways seem to be caring?


I have done voluntary work in a local drug rehab. I have heard the clients stories. Mostly they were gentle people who found their life reality too hard so they got into Heroin, speed, cocaine,alcohol.

Once they were hooked they had to have their fix at any cost. they got into prostitution, theft and worse. They blocked off the bad stuff because they had to do it. But inside their self-esteem rotted and died.

That is how usually good people ended up causing terrible pain to others because their addiction controls their actions.

So I can only believe that  you who buy meat from factory farms seemingly without caring even though the truth is everwhere are-  


Those I met in the rehab had great courage to fight their addiction and when ever possible they righted the wrongs they had caused to the innocents caught up in the path of their addiction.

Now its your time to show courage over your addiction.

Become  the caring loving person you really are.

Some doctors will tell you humans can't survive without meat in your diet.

I have proven them wrong. I no longer have hormones, second hand antibiotics, traces of insecticides, cholesterol, stale adrenalin  and cruelty ingested in my body which is rife in factory farmed animals.

These facts are not told to you by celebrates that come on TV telling you to eat meat.

Or the mother f--kers that run or invest money in factory farms. 

It is your choice. Keep buying factory farmed meats and see your self worth and self esteem die or be courageous face your addiction head on.

 Stop buying factory farmed meat. Better still stop eating meat. Your body will thank you, so many innocent creatures will thank you. your carbon footprint will shrink dramatically And you will have peace of mind.

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