Wednesday, August 4, 2010

F--k The Tobacco companies

The Australian labor party wants to force the Tobacco companies to display plain packaging for all the cigarettes in an effort to help people quit this disgusting habit. Starting Thursday the global tobacco companies will air ads saying jobs will be lost if this happens. The motherfuckers are trying to interfere with our election results so people stay addicted to their shit! So i just send the comment below to our channel 9 TV station.

I have just gone through hell quitting a cigarette addiction that i had for forty years where the tobacco
companies had total control over me . I have now gone 8 months without a smoke but my hate for the tobacco companies that have forced me to buy their product which has made me lose a massive amount of money and possibly damage my health is unlimited.
They have made me allow animals to be tortured in the name of research. They have made me part responsible for the 33 billion cigarette butts that Australians  drop each year which stay in the environment for decades.
So now the TV companies are going to air ads put out by the global tobacco companies. I find that an insult to my hard effort to quit. YOU as the media have a responsibility NOT to air these ads.
Therefore every TV station that I see airing these ads I will pull from my station list. And if I see any billboards from these ads i will rip them down. Take responsibility for your action s Channel 9 And ban these ads.
Apparently these ads argue that jobs will be lost if the ALP force them to display plain packaging. Thats like arguing for more accidents on the road so that panel beaters and undertakers can have full employment.
Which channel has the guts to pull the ads in common decency for all those that have died or will die through nicotine addiction. Channel 9 is that going to be YOU!

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