Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stopping The Bligh government from destroying The Queensland ecosystem

The Bligh government has decided to play 'Nanny State' again. Without asking the public who through bad choice elected this dictator in, has decided to destroy our underground water supplies by organising mass Fracking within the state.   All the damning evidence that is  coming up globally about Fracking shows the permanent damage done to valuable  water supplies. The government has OKed  Fracking without even knowing what chemicals are pumped in to the ground to create the process.
The Bligh government would love you to sign petitions & protest at legal rallies. Because it is a total waste of time. It might make the person who signs or protests like they have done something to change government policies. but it doesn't. At best it gives the authorities an income in small fines.
The only way to make a difference is to actively disrupt the Fracking process. By challenging those that choose to work on these sites or blocking access to those sites. And of course be willing to face the consequences from such actions. Its called active revolution.

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