Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sick joke of the day

China celebrates 50 years since 'end of serfdom' in Tibet
By China correspondent Stephen McDonell

In China today has been officially declared Serf Liberation Day.
Fifty years ago the People's Liberation Army crushed an uprising by Tibetans and, according to the Chinese Government, brought an end to feudal serfdom in the Himalayan region.
In the Tibetan capital Lhasa, a hand-picked crowd gathered outside the Potala Palace to recognise Serf Liberation Day, in recognition of the anniversary.
Local Communist Party secretary Zhang Qingli told them that the Chinese Communist Party has brought "democratic reform unprecedented in human history to all of the Tibetan Plateau".
"My dad always told me without the Communist Party, without the PLA, we could not have the emancipation of the serfs," one soldier told the ABC.
"Without the Communist Party without the PLA we could not have today's life."
But exile groups are protesting today.
They say that the last 5 decades of Chinese rule have brought systemic human rights abuses and an erosion of their culture.
For weeks Chinese television has been carrying reports about oppression in old Tibet.
Reports say serfs were tortured by their masters and that the Dalai Lama was to blame, before the Chinese army put an end to the enslavement.
This propaganda is aimed at the Chinese people. The Government wants them to believe that the Communist Party brought modernisation to a backwards and cruel place.
Today Tibet is effectively under martial law and closed off to the outside world.

Article copied from ABC News Australia

The Phoenix
The Chinese government has the worst human rights record, animal rights don't exist. Check out PETA's undercover footage of cats and dogs being tortured and skinned alive for the European clothing market. Thought you were wearing rabbit?

To those Chinese that fight for human and animal rights in China I applaud you for your courage and to fight the Chinese government you would need heaps of it. To those chinese people that don't fight the system I say a quote from a famous 'Midnight Oils' song can't remember which one. 'It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees'.

I boycott all Chinese products. WHY? Firstly because every paper clip, computer, flat screen TV you buy from China does not help The Chinese people it just makes a dark power stronger.

Also a lot of Chinese products are toxic, because the whole damn country is toxic now thanks to the Chinese dictatorship. The products look good but they are quite often inferior. Where do they end up? Our landfills, thats where!

The Chinese government has just blocked YOU Tube from Chinese computers!

Come on people WAKE UP!

My problem is in Australia all the major shops white goods,clothes, house hold items are MADE IN CHINA.

In fact the only people in Australia that can afford to buy non Chinese products are the company directors who fired their Australian workers and moved their business to china.
There is a sort of Irony there!

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