Sunday, March 29, 2009

The S.O.B awards for this week is shared by 4 nominees-

1.China for spreading more lies and propaganda about Tibet.
2. The Canadian government for allowing the brutal and senseless slaughter of baby seals.
3.South Africa for bowing to the Chinese government and banning a visa for The Dalai Lama.
4. Israel for allowing their high court to permit Ultra right wing religious thugs to terrorise innocent Arab Israelis in the town of Umm al Farhm.

The HERO awards go to-
1The Dalai Lama for spreading peace.
2. Barak Obama for his great courage and commitment to change.
3. PETA (People for The ethical Treatment of Animals) For an outstanding campaign to stop The Seal slaughter by Canada
4.Medecins san Fronteres . To the volunteers who risk their lives on a daily basis to help those
who have very little chance of surviving without msf.

1 comment:

  1. Pheonix.. just wanted to say thank you for your kind comment..
