Wednesday, June 24, 2009


From the 1st of July all computers sold in China will be fitted with internet filters. China forced people to use a software filter called 'Green Dam youth Escort'. But in fact they stole this program from an american company and had to withdraw it.

There stance is that their youth are being corrupted with porn. BULLSHIT! They want to filter out all political content using porn as the excuse!

Are The Peoples Republic of China so stupid that they think the free world will believe this porn crap excuse for massive censorship!

The Chinese government believes porn corrupts. yet They slaughtered 50,000 dogs, they run a cat and dog fur trade where the animals are still alive after they were skinned. Believe me go to and see the footage. I still have nightmares over the video!

They force women to have abortions.They sell the organs of prisoners, The hid the shame of Tianamin square. They raped Tibet and destroyed its culture.Yet they are afraid of porn .


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