Thursday, January 7, 2010


2 years ago Peter Garret then opposition environment minister promised that if Labor won the
election, action would be taken against The barbaric Japanese whalers. Now 2 years on and what has he done NOTHING! He's too busy kissing Japanese arses. Peter Garret MP you weak piece of shit resign!

Now the Japanese have raised the stakes by sinking the Sea Shepherds' Ady Gil.

It is quite clear in the video taken by Sea Shepherd that after the Shonan maru 2 had rammed the Ady Gil that they kept their water hoses on the Ady Gil trying to drown the crew.

Then there is Omeka public relations a company based in Wellington New Zealand run by a Kiwi prick called Glenn Inwood who works for The Japanese whalers. He organized surveillance flights using Australian aviation companies.

The aviation companies involved are based in Hobart and Albany. What kind of assholes would allow their planes to be used to spy on Sea Shepherd. These companies need to be punished as they are responsible for the sinking of the Ady Gil.

The Australian government should know that if they do not take action against Japan NOW! the campaign will end up getting a lot bloodier!

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