Saturday, January 9, 2010

What have pigs done to you to deserve This?

What have pigs done to you to deserve this treatment just so you can sit down to your bacon & eggs
What are pigs like a terrorist group? Do they go round slaughtering innocent humans and you want to seek revenge. NO!
What have you got against pigs. Because every time you buy supermarket pork products, you are ordering innocent animals to be tortured & then murdered under the most terrible conditions. So you can get a cheap deal!
What have chickens done to you. that to save couple of bucks you buy battery eggs, from chickens that are treated like the Nazis treated the Jews!
Lets start with pigs. pigs have a higher intelligence than dogs,they respond to love and caring
When you torture them which you do every time you buy a pork product from the supermarket they feel pain & fear & hopelessness! they even scream in fear! They can't fight for their rights easy prey EH!
If you found out your neighbour was keeping a cat or a dog in a cage where they had no love, slept in their own shit, had painful surgical procedures. Pigs have their teeth cut out & their tails cut all without anesthetic. You would be horrified. THE WORD HYPOCRITE COMES TO MIND HERE!
Next time you go to MacDonald's for an egg & bacon MucMuffin or any fast food chain. Lift it up to your ear and see if you can hear the screams of pain and suffering from the battery hens and pigs that provided you with a cheap meal at THEIR EXPENCE!
If you must eat pork products, buy organic. Atleast the animal has life before death!

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