Sunday, April 18, 2010

China's cruel fur trade update

Pressure on the Chinese fur trade has faded  into the background recently. The whaling issues with Japan and The cruel Canadian seal slaughter have pushed this serious issue out of  'The Limelight'.

IT is now time to seriously expose this cruel fur trade for what it really is.

  As shown in the 2 photos on this page from different times.Most women's views on Furs have greatly changed

There are groups that expose and fight for the rights of these unfortunate animals tortured in Chinese fur farms. They need your support.
 (Check out sites I support }

From The PETA Archives on The Chinese fur Trade

A powerful link from all creatures exposing the cruel Chinese fur trade

From Here To The End is  a PETA article.

Millions of individual animals, including more than 2 million cats and hundreds of thousands of dogs, will be skinned for their fur in China this year alone.

For a few of these animals, death will come swiftly from a knife slash across the throat. For many others, their fate is to be skinned alive.

Please watch our new video exposing the abuse that animals on Chinese fur farms endure.

Many people are still unaware of the horrific animal suffering that occurs on Chinese fur farms. We need your help to spread the word about the following facts:

1There are no regulations governing fur farms in China—farmers can house and slaughter animals however they see fit.
2Countless animals are skinned alive on Chinese fur farms. Some of these animals remain in agony for more than 10 minutes after the skin is peeled from their bodies.
3Fur farmers say that it is easier to get the skin off an animal who's alive and warm than one who's dead.
4Products ranging from cat toys to shoes have been made from real fur and have been labeled as "faux" or synthetic to deceive the public.

Our campaign is educating people worldwide about the abuse of animals by the Chinese fur industry.

You can help our new video reach 100,000 views by watching now! 

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

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