Sunday, April 11, 2010

UK Set to Poison Its Badger Population

The Welsh Assembly Government intends to Slaughter badgers in a 288 square klm area of west wales.
The reason the Welsh Assembly has put forward for this massacre is to stop bovineTB supposedly spread by badgers.
42% of farmers have reported a least 1 case of Bovine TB. How ever this outbreak could just as easily be caused by insanitary practices by the farmers themselves.
But if you are a wild animal and if humans decide to slaughter you, you have no rights!
The Badger Trust has applied to the high court for a judicial review results should be within a month.
High profile people like Brian May Guitarist with the "Queen" rock group are fighting for the cause.
The welsh Assembly government intend to bait the badgers with peanuts. Apparently people who actually like badgers in their gardens put out peanuts to encourage the badgers.
I always thought wales loved its fauna, but obviously money comes first!
Information sources The badger Trust & The BBC

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