Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The disgusting Fur trade- Money for torture

Articles & photos below courtesy of The International Anti-Fur Coalition

Israel takes a giant step, approving expansion on anti-fur bill to include all animals

The Israeli Government approves unanimously a bill that brings Israel one step closer to becoming the first fur-free country
In one of the most important achievements in the combined efforts of the ‘International Anti-Fur Coalition’ and ‘Let the Animals Live’ in their endeavors to protect fur bearing animals, the ministerial committee for legislative affairs accepted their request and approved unanimously the expansion on MK Ronit Tirosh’s bill. The bill prohibiting originally only the trade of cat and dog fur and was approved on its first reading; has been expanded by amendment to include all fur from all mammals. The ban includes an exception on specific fur hats worn by a few people for cultural identity. This bill is a global and historic precedent.
The total ban on all fur from all animals in addition circumvented the anticipated complexity that would have behooved the customs authority in distinguishing the animal of origin of each particular fur item.
Agriculture Minister Shalom Simhon and Minister of Environmental Protection Gilad Arden addressed the Ministerial Committee with the assistance of Minister of Education, Gideon Saar. Jane Halevy of the International Anti-Fur Coalition and attorney Joshua Rotbert, legal adviser of Let the Animals Live are the ones that initiated the matter with the help of MK Nitzan Horowitz via bringing to the government’s attention the cruel truth behind the needless fur trade.
Now that the legislative committee unanimously approved the amendment, the Education, Culture and Sports Ministry committee will hold a vote on the amendment later in the month and following their approval the bill will be put to a second and then third reading before finally being past into law. The vast majority are hopeful that the Israeli government will continue on the path to end needless animal cruelty.

International Anti-Fur Coalition urge Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz to ban cat and dog fur trade in Canada

Following the Canadian press revelation concerning the federal government decision not to ban imports of cat and dog fur, the International Anti-Fur Coalition urges Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz not to be an accomplice of the needless torture of millions of cats and dogs killed for their fur, and to ban this trade.
As Europe and the United States, among other nations worldwide, have already banned imports of cat and dog fur, Canada would allow this barbaric industry which is based on the exploitation and cruel killing of millions of cats and dogs, every year, to continue. It is hard to believe that Canada would want to support such a deplorable trade. If no ban is imposed, the Canadian market would be flooded with the fur skinned from dogs and cats. Not to mention the fact that the countries which did not adopt any measure happen to record skins traffics inside their borders, such as cat skins tanneries in Switzerland. Therefore, we urge Minister Ritz to adopt regulations in accordance with the United States and Europe to prevent the trade of cat and dog fur from flooding canadian market. It is in Canada’s best interest to avoid this International disgrace and the resulting harm that will be caused to Canada’s economy and reputation.

Seal hunt derived products banned from the European union

The European ministers Council approved the seal products ban from the European union on the 27th of july, 2009, after the European Parliament passed this bill on the 5th of may, and in spite of the latest threatening attempts by the Canadian government.
It is acknowledged that the seal hunt costs a huge amount of taxpayers’ money, and bears minor benefits. However, the Canadian government spent vast sums to pretend they were defending sealers’ interests; they keep on promoting seals derived products, lobbying the state members of the European union and, more recently, the World Trade Organization.
The International Antifur Coalition denounces the irresponsible stubborness shown by the Canadian government in their dedication to the maintain of the unprofitable and amazingly cruel Canadian seal slaughter. IAFC urges them again to find a more sustainable and ethical activity, such as ecotourism, as a reasonable alternative.

A Face for Fur

Shira VilenskyIn association with International Anti-Fur Coalition’s campaign against the fur trade, Israeli actress Shira Vilensky was photographed at the snowy foot of Mount Hermon in northern Israel, a perfect location combining the Israeli campaign and the plight of seals in Canada.
A series of photographs were taken, to raise awareness on the cruelty and horrors of the fur industry. The action was meant to coincide with Knesset Member Nitzan Horovitz’s precedential anti-fur bill to entirely ban the fur trade in Israel, prohibiting all fur importations, productions and sales.
“Imagine the violence inflicted on these animals that are gassed, electrocuted and often skinned alive. We need to make justice for all fur bearing animals. Compassionate people hope that Israel will ban all fur” says Shira Vilensky.

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